Who We Help
We help the hungry, homeless, and helpless find a way to transform their lives.
The Poor
Matthew 19:21 – Jesus said to him, “If you want to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
You can help the poor with us! Join our community of monthly donors to provide clean water and food to downtrodden villages in Pakistan.
The Orphan
James 1:27 – “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
The Dallas Dream Team built it, now you can have a huge role in sustaining it. The orphan crisis in Pakistan is massive. There are upwards of four million orphans in Pakistan, with potentially thousands more going undocumented (due to the high refugee population). Children across the county face threats from every angle, and orphans are particularly vulnerable due to a lack of consistent support. Many children are abused, forced into slavery, and their lives are in danger. But together, we can solve it. It takes a village to raise a child, and you will be part of that village . . . saving lives with your monthly donation!
The Widow
Isaiah 1:17 – “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”
“I have no chance“, she sobbed. This widow hid behind her veil as she and her child waited outside a sports arena watching men carry out wheelbarrows of flour and containers of water. They would not let her in because she had no identity card and no male relative.
Another woman, 30-year old Maimoona, said her husband was killed by a stray bullet within the past three months. “You see those sticks in their hands? They will beat us if we try to go in!” This lack of ID cards is a problem for widows, second wives, and many women whose husbands are no longer around.
The passing of a husband can be overwhelming for any women. But that loss is devastating in Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries. Please help Liz Morris Ministries take food, water, and hope to the widows of Pakistan!
The Homeless, Helpless, Hopeless, and Hurting
Matthew 12:21 – “In his name the nations will put their hope.”
The “least of these” includes all who are helpless and in need. In His Name, we hope to have a positive effect on ALL who are hurting.
WHY Pakistan?
More than 70% of people in Pakistan drink water that is contaminated with deadly bacteria and viruses. Taps are not available to every person, hence many have to walk miles to collect water from reservoirs, lakes and rivers. Not only do animals often urinate in such locations, but 25 million people in Pakistan still defecate openly, and the waste often makes its way into water supplies.
A small village in Pakistan where we delivered food.
The result is the spread of entirely preventable diseases, such as diarrhea. More than 53,000 children lose their lives to diarrhea every year, many of whom are orphans or live in deprived households. Other diseases also run rampant, such as polio, which is avoidable through clean water and hygiene.
For the children who do survive, life is hard. Conflict consistently affects Pakistan deeply, with Al Qaeda and the Tehrik-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) routinely attacking innocent civilians. As a result, many children are left without one or even both parents, and rely on handouts to sustain them. In many instances, children are forced to work. There is little to protect children against unfair and exploitative labor, mainly because 66% of births are not registered, so there is little documentation to protect the children.
Education is the greatest gift anyone can have as it opens countless doors and is the key to ending generational poverty. Unfortunately, almost 23 million children aged 5-16 are not in school. This is the second-highest number of uneducated children on the planet.
And if conflict, disease, forced labor and lack of education were not enough, Pakistan is extremely prone to adverse weather conditions. The country experiences intense droughts and devastating floods, making it nearly impossible for farmers to cultivate successful crops. The result is food shortages, and the issue is so bad that more than 10 million children have stunted growth because of malnutrition.
Our answer to this desperate need is the DREAM GLOBAL PROJECT, and we could not do any of it without your support and donations. Donors can give once, monthly or even fund raise for project(s). But no matter how much or how little you give, you will make a positive change in a child’s life.
We need you! Will you join us in this effort?